Elite Programme ZKeteers ZYouth Z Die Hard Z Schools Z Edge Jump
Crafted over the years and specifically designed with children in mind, our Zketeer programme is geared towards helping our young fencers develop the right character traits, mental toughness and the physical skills to help them in competitive fencing and beyond. By maintaining an intimate coach-student ratio, providing child-friendly lesson plans and putting strong emphasis on fencing etiquette, our team of highly-qualified coaches ensures the most conducive learning environment for our Zketeers.
Designed to be fun and to nurture passion for fencing, our Zketeers lessons are held once a week, 45 to 60 minutes for Novices and 75 minutes for Beginner grade fencers and above. Games and activities are tightly integrated into our fencing lessons to help children develop better motor skills, maintain focus and improve overall physical fitness.
To chart our Zketeers' progress, Grading Tests are organized twice a year. Zketeers will be tested on their understanding of fencing and on their personal progress over the year.
Zketeers Junior (4 & 5 years old) Zketeers (6-8 years old) Zketeers (9-12 years old) For class schedules and availability, please contact the Z Fencing salle nearest you. Register Now To Avoid Disappointment |
Here are some more FAQs you may need to help you better understand our Zketeer Programme.
![]() | HOW SAFE IS FENCING FOR CHILDREN? At Z Fencing, safety is of paramount importance to us. Which is why all Zketeers are oriented in safety rules and salle etiquette even before they are allowed to handle the weapons. With proper training and use of certified fencing equipment provided by us, our Zketeers are not expected to suffer injuries beyond minor bruises and muscle fatigue. |
Our Grading Tests are conducted twice a year (February and August) to help our fencers progress from Grades Z1 - Z5, which would take about 5 years to complete. A few weeks prior to Grading, revision lessons will be provided to fencers who qualify for the Tests to help them gain confidence.
To build espirit de corps, all zketeers will need to wear a standard set of workout gear - including a Z Fencing t-shirt, navy track pants, and suitable shoes for fencing. After 2 months of training, all musketeers will be required to have the full set of fencing gear for training and safety.
If you are interested in enroling your child for Zketeers' classes, please feel free to call us during our opening hours at Tel: 6352 6010. Similarly, you may e-mail us at fence@zfencing.com for your convenience. You are most welcome to drop by our Salle for a visit. If you are ready to enrol your child, a registration form is available here. Kindly fill in the details and fax it to us for our attention. We will contact you soon.